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Discover Museums in Saskatchewan

There are more than 250 museums in Saskatchewan collecting historical artifacts, shining a light on Life Sciences and preserving works of art. Royal Saskatchewan Museum in the Southern region, the Saskatchewan Western Development Museum in Central Saskatchewan and the Northern region’s Prince Albert Historical Museum frequently make educational travel itineraries.

Royal Saskatchewan Museum (Regina/Eastend)

The Royal Saskatchewan Museum has an impressive First Nations Gallery exploring their history and artwork. Visitors can also investigate nature exhibits in the Life Sciences Gallery, as well as the region's ancient history and the dinosaurs in the Earth Sciences Gallery. The Eastend facility introduces the world to Scotty, an astonishing T.rex skeleton. 

Saskatchewan Western Development Museum (Saskatoon)

The Museum features a network of historical exhibits throughout the Central region. In Saskatoon, a 1910 Boomtown has been created complete with general store, a newspaper office, a homestead and more, using artifacts, replicas and actual buildings from the time.

Prince Albert Historical Museum (Prince Albert)

The Prince Albert Historical Museum has come to life inside a 1912 fire hall. Here you can find not only relics of its original fire-fighting days, but also numerous First Nations artifacts and a dugout canoe (reportedly 1,000 years old). 

Saskatchewan Science Centre

The vibrant city of Regina is home to numerous family-fun attractions, including the Saskatchewan Science Centre. Located in the Wascana Centre Park, along the shore of Wascana Lake, the centre was established in 1989 in the former Saskatchewan Powerhouse building.

Step into this impressive hands-on learning centre for a day of learning fun. Take time to watch a film in the Kramer IMAX Theatre or explore the more than 150 science and educational exhibits, including Discovery Junction, Anatomy Academy, Nexen Science of Hockey, Windyville, Science Circus, Ukrainian Science Park and WILD! Saskatchewan.

Swift Current Museum

The Swift Current Museum offers all Swift Current visitors exhibits of historical artifacts and Saskatchewan's history. Museum admission is free, so visit as often as you like. Be sure to take your time strolling the museum to view the displays.

The museum provides school tours, tours of the Mount Pleasant cemetery, Veterans' Cemetery and Archeological Digs. The Museum Library also offers excellent resources for research projects.